Contact information

Experiencing a problem that we might be able to solve? Need some of our services? Just ask! We will be more than happy to help you out.

Address & phone number

BitWizard B.V.
Verl. Spiegelmakerstraat 37
2645 LZ
The Netherlands
KVK: 27239233


Verl. Spiegelmakerstraat 37 is situated between The Hague and Rotterdam, right next to the A13. Take exit 10, Delft Zuid/TU Delft. At the roundabout go towards pijnacker / Berkel en Rodenrijs. At the first lights take a left. The road curves left and then at the roundabout take the second exit (effecfively straight) Verl. Spiegelmakerstraat is near the end on your right.

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