If you send multiple Mails, they will be invoiced as separate items, but on one invoice.
Note to humans: People trying to sell the above products are known to scan the web for EMail addresses. Getting a similar message on each of the above addresses is a giveaway that they found my address here.
I filter my Email based on these addresses. If you try to contact me with one of the above addresses, that may get ignored just like the shit it is supposed to attract....
Won't I get MORE unwanted Email? Yes. However, as it's easy to filter automatically, I really don't care. Getting MORE means that it will be easier to make a filter that recognizes messages and thus keeps my regular inbox clean of this crap.
The way that this would work is that a message sent to one of the addresses here is highly likely one I don't want. Messages that look very similar can then autmatically be classified similarly.
I'd still have to sift through messages that get sent to my regular Email addr first.
I sifted through 5 days worth of SPAM to find the above subjects.