Blog 01

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My name is Harry. I just started learning to work with the Raspberry Pi. ( I have the Raspberry Pi 2 ) In this blog I will keep you posted about my Raspberry Pi progress. The first thing I want to happen is to get the Raspberry pi to work.

For this I had to download the software: Raspbian

To get Raspbian on my 4 gigabyte micro-SD card, I had to follow the steps from the Raspberry site. I used the linux version. First I had to get the micro-SD to work with my computer. What I did was to get the micro-SD card in a Micro SD-adapter. To look if the computer could find the device I had to write in my terminal the code:

df -h     

The results was that I got the a big list of hardware that it saw. All down in the list was my micro-SD with the names /dev/sda1 & /dev/sda2 Note: This is unusual. (Normally it would be sdb or sdc )

To make my micro-SD open for editing I used the command:

umount /dev/sda1

To eventually get the file over on the Micro-SD:

dd bs=4M if=2015-05-05-raspbian-wheezy.img of=/dev/sda

This took around 10 minutes.

At last I did:


To make sure that it is safe to take the micro-SD out.

Now the Micro-SD has Raspbian it is time to get the Raspberry Pi to work. After I unpackaged the Raspberry Pi, I first had to connect it with my monitor. For this I didn't use a hdmi, like what normally everybody does. I connected my Raspberry Pi with an Ethernet cable to my router that is connected with my PC. The main reason I did this was that my monitor didn't support hdmi and that it I now could use my Raspberry Pi on a window, while continuing to work on my workstation. With that I could search for advice on the Internet for programming the Raspberry Pi, while working on it.

Now it is time to turn on the Raspberry Pi to put a micro-usb charger in it. When the green led is blinking it means, that there are no problems with the Raspberry Pi.

Now on the computer I have to open a terminal. I do this by doing: CTRL + ALT + T(linux) ( In windows you have to open cmd. )

In the terminal I have to write:

ssh pi@

This is for to connect to the PI using it's IP address. For the IP address, consult your system administrator. Or sometimes your router's status page.

You can find your OWN ip-address on linux by typing in the terminal: sudo ifconfig

Your IP-adress will be visible after: inet addr:

So on my PI was visible:

inet addr: 

(but you can't do that until you have a connection. On the other hand, you can do that if you (temporarily) have a monitor and keyboard connected)

It then asks about the Password. That is: "raspberry" ( That is the password of the pi user on every raspbian install, until the owner of the Pi of course changes the password. ) When you type the letters and the amount of letters will not be visible.

Now I can type terminal commands to the Raspberry! And work on Raspberry Pi projects!