Blog 01

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Revision as of 11:30, 11 September 2015 by Cartridge1987 (talk | contribs) (In this text Harry explains how he got his Raspberry Pi ready to be used.)
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My name is Harry. I just started learning to work with the Raspberry Pi. ( I have the Raspberry Pi 2 ) In this blog I will keep you posted about my Raspberry Pi progress. The first thing I want to happen is to get the Raspberry pi to work.

For this I had to download the software: Raspbian

To get Raspbian on my 4 gigabyte micro-SD card, I had to follow the steps from the Raspberry site. ( ) I used the linux version. First I had to get the micro-SD to work with my computer. What I did was to get the micro-SD card in a Micro SD-adapter. To look if the computer could find the device I had to write in my terminal the code: df -h

The results was that I got the a big list of hardware that it saw. All down in the list was my micro-SD with the names /dev/sda1 & /dev/sda2 Note: This is unusual. (Normally it would be sdb or sdc )

To make my micro-SD open for editing I used the command: umount /dev/sda1

To eventually get the file over on the Micro-SD: dd bs=4M if=2015-05-05-raspbian-wheezy.img of=/dev/sda This took around 10 minutes.

At last I did: sync To make sure that it is safe to take the micro-SD out.

Now the Micro-SD has Raspbian it is time to get the Raspberry Pi to work. After I unpackaged the Raspberry Pi, I first had to connect it with my monitor. For this I didn't use a hdmi, like what normally everybody does. I connected my Raspberry Pi with an Ethernet cable to my router that is connected with my PC. The main reason I did this was that my monitor didn't support hdmi and that it I now could use my Raspberry Pi on a window, while continuing to work on my workstation. With that I could search for advice on the Internet for programming the Raspberry Pi, while working on it.

Now it is time to turn on the Raspberry Pi to put a micro-usb charger in it. When the green led is blinking it means, that there are no problems with the Raspberry Pi.

Now on the computer I have to open a terminal. I do this by doing: CTRL + ALT + T(linux) ( In windows you have to open cmd. )

In the terminal I have to write: ssh pi@ This is for to connect to the pi with the ip-address.

You can find your ip-address with typing in the terminal: sudo ifconfig

Your Ip-adress will be visible after: inet addr:

So at my was visible:

inet addr: 

It then asks about the Password. That is: Raspberry ( That is the password of every Raspberry Pi, until the owner of the Pi of course changes the password. ) When you type the letters and the amount of letters will not be visible.

Now I can type terminal commands to the Raspberry! And work on Raspberry Pi projects!