Blog 17
2 Wheel controlled car
I made this on the Raspbery Pi for the stepper motor and for 'electric wheels'.
Stepper motor version
Hardware I used: Hardware I used on my Raspberry Pi:
- One RPi_UI board | (User Interface)
- Two 7FETs | (7FETs)
- Two Jumper cables M-F
- Two IDC cable 6 pin
- Two 28BYJ-48 Stepper Motor
- Bash
3D printed wheels code
I made the wheels in OpenSCAD and let them be printed out on a 3d printer. The OpenSCAD code:
$fs=0.2; $fa=2; module stepperas(d=5, l=25, t=3) { difference() { cylinder (r=d/2 , h=l); translate ([t/2, -5, -1]) cube([10, 20, l+2]); translate ([-t/2-10, -5, -1]) cube([10, 20, l+2]); } } difference() { union () { difference () { cylinder (r=60/2 ,h=12); translate ([0, 0, 1.5]) cylinder (r=50/2, h=20); } cylinder (r=6,h=6); } translate ([0, 0, -1]) stepperas(5.2, 20, 3.2); }
The full car just went to be a carton box, with everything attached to it with tieraps.
'electric wheels' version
Hardware I used: