Blog 26
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Hardware used:
In this project I worked on the arduino. I made an pulse controller. With that you can control the amount of pulses and the pulse time of the relay. Link to the code: click here
I made this script building on the arduino spi demo script. The parts I am going to explain are only for my script part.
In the script itself I also added some explanation.
Setup part:
//int offms = 500; int OnTime = 500; unsigned int s = 0; int pulses = 1; int PulseTime = 500;
set_var (0x8e, 0x10, 0x00); PulsPrint(pulses); TimePrint(PulseTime);
char bufline2[32]; char bufline4[32]; sprintf(bufline2, "1=down |2=up |5=res", bufline2); write_at_lcd (0, 1, bufline2); delay(10); sprintf(bufline4, "3=down |4=up |6=run", bufline4); write_at_lcd (0, 3, bufline4); Serial.write (bufline2); Serial.write ("\r\n"); Serial.write (bufline4); Serial.write ("\r\n");
loop part:
// read the buttons: int Button = get_var (0x94, 0x31); // print out the state of the buttons: Serial.println(Button);
//Button 6 //runs the pulses with the given pulse time to the relay if (Button == 1){ Pulsing(pulses); get_var (0x94, 0x31); } // Button 5 // reset the pulses and time back to the start settings if (Button == 2){ PulseTime = 500; pulses = 1; TimePrint(PulseTime); PulsPrint(pulses); delay(OnTime); get_var (0x94, 0x31); }
// button 4 // +0.1 second to the previous amount of time // the maximum amount of seconds is 10 if (Button == 4){ PulseTime = PulseTime + 100; if ( PulseTime > 10000) PulseTime = 10000; TimePrint(PulseTime); delay(OnTime); get_var (0x94, 0x31); } // button 3 // -0.1second to the previous amount of time // The minimum amount of seconds is 0.1. if (Button == 8){ PulseTime = PulseTime - 100; if ( PulseTime < 100) PulseTime = 100; TimePrint(PulseTime); delay(OnTime); get_var (0x94, 0x31); }
// button 2 // +1 to the previous value pulses // the maximum amount of pulses is 99 if (Button == 16){ pulses = pulses +1; if ( pulses > 99) pulses = 99; PulsPrint(pulses); delay(OnTime); get_var (0x94, 0x31); } // button 1 // -1 to the previous value pulses // the minimum value is 1 if (Button == 32){ pulses = pulses - 1; if ( pulses < 1) pulses = 1; PulsPrint(pulses); delay(OnTime); get_var (0x94, 0x31); }
delay(20); }
//function that shows the amount of pulses on the display void PulsPrint(int Puls){ char buf[32]; sprintf (buf, "Pulses: %02d", Puls); write_at_lcd (0, 0, buf); Serial.write (buf); Serial.write ("\r\n"); } // function that shows the pulsetime on the display void TimePrint(int Time){ float FloatTime = Time; FloatTime = FloatTime/1000; delay(10); char TextBuf[32]; char buf[32];
sprintf(TextBuf, "Time: seconds", buf); write_at_lcd (0, 2, TextBuf); dtostrf (FloatTime,3, 1, buf); write_at_lcd (7, 2, buf);
Serial.write (TextBuf); Serial.write (buf); Serial.write ("\r\n"); }
// function that will run the given pulses and pulsetime void Pulsing(int Puls){ int PulsHalf = PulseTime / 2; for (int count = 0; pulses > count; count++){ set_var (0x8e, 0x20, 0x01); delay(PulsHalf); set_var (0x8e, 0x20, 0x00); delay(PulsHalf); } }
Useful links
- DIO protocol - The SPI relay has the same protocol
- User Interface
- arduino spi demo script - My script uses the basics of that script.